I am a natural ashy blonde with darker blonde hair underneath, but very light on top. I was having a semi-permanent strawberry blonde colour on my hair every few months, but made the decision to go for a more intense permanent ginger colour, a la ‘Christina Hendricks’ (and I took photos with me to the hairdresser)!
Unfortunately, I seem to have ended up with a colour that seems far too red for me, and definitely not the ginger/copper I was hoping for. Although the colour is nice, it looks very unnatural on my pale skin, blue eyes and blonde eyebrows.
I've been hoping that if I try and strip the colour a bit with a clarifying shampoo, it may fade to ginger, but I'm concerned that it will go pink instead. Is this a possibility? How can I get my colour back to something more copper/ginger, or even back to a strawberry blonde?
Rebecca, Sweden
There are two ways that you can go about trying to achieve the Christina Hendricks ginger colour from your current shade. The first way would be to keep shampooing it with clarifying shampoo and see if it fades to the coppery tone.
The other way would be to visit a colour specialist and see if they can perform a colour change. They would need to remove the current red pigment from the hair and then apply a tone more appropriate to the Christina Hendricks rich copper. I wouldn't recommend attempting to do this at home as even the seemingly simplest of changes can sometimes be quite complex.
Remember to use a shampoo and conditioner for dry hair and get regular treatments to keep the hair in good condition.