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Would a dip-dye suit my brown/ginger hair?



I have naturally ginger hair, it's not ginger, ginger but more a brown ginger. I was wondering if I dip-dyed it blonde would it look ridiculous or ruin my natural colour?

Anon, Ireland

Yes! Dip-dye would look lovely in a honey/gold colour.

Lucy Holbrook, Colour Director at Daniel Galvin, London

I love ginger hair, from strawberry blonde to deepest auburn it is gorgeous. I would wear it with pride! But if you are fancying a change then the dip-dye is a good way of playing with colour and if you don't like it you can just cut it off!

Remember that red hair takes longer to lift and can go brassy if the colour used is not right so be sure you go to a confident colourist who enjoys working with all types of hair.

John Clark at Brooks+Brooks, London