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Colour Revolution at Simon Webster Hair


Simon Webster Hair is among the wave of salons embracing the new colour technology taking the hair and beauty industry by storm. L’Oreal launched the INOA amonia-free range some years ago with a small selection of colours, planning to eventually replace chemical colouring with a more natural approach.

Now L’Oreal have vastly expanded the Inoa colour range, forward-thinking salons are choosing to go down the route of natural treatments. The team of colourists at Simon Webster Hair’s Gardner Street salon are pleased other salons are now embracing the change.

Simon Webster Hair stated,

We’ve been an Inoa salon since we opened and for us there was no compromise, in this day and age we are more aware of the implications globally and personally of the use of chemicals. But any alternative has to be equal in quality for it to be viable, and this is where Inoa and L’Oreal have excelled. This colour range gives impressive results and reduces the risk of damage to the hair or irritation to scalp.

We have a strict skin-testing policy, as any responsible salon should, and Inoa very rarely causes any reaction at all. It really is the way forward.

The full range of Inoa is available at Simon Webster Hair where their colourists have experience working in London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid and New York.

For a colour consultation, phone or call by the salon.