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Presentation Skills Course With Edward Hemmings


The Fellowship for British Hairdressing’s Presentation Skills course was held at The Wella Studio on Monday 22nd February with Edward Hemmings from Alan d International leading the course.

The eight delegates brought along an article that meant a lot to them and these included jewellery, a driving licence and photographs of loved ones.

After some initial guidance and advice from Edward it was time for everyone to present their chosen item in a two minute presentation. Edward was then able to provide further feedback, encouragement and tips which, after everyone represented, really improved their overall content and their confidence.

Edward Hemmings said,

This is just such a fantastic day - I just love the fact that the group’s confidence grows so much throughout the day. It has been particularly noticeable today and I am delighted with their response and enthusiasm.

George Payne from Charles Worthington said,

I really feel that my skills with presenting have improved today, I really have been given some great advice and ideas and my confidence has improved so much.

Amy from Idlewild said,

I have learnt a lot today and Edward Hemmings was amazing, he is so knowledgeable and teaches us, motivates and is really inspirational.