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How can I get from a honey/caramel blonde to a platinum blonde?

Two months ago I had a full head of foils done. The colour was blonde and it has now faded to a honey/caramel colour.
I now really want to go platinum all over. Will this be possible for a stylist to achieve with my current colour or will it all be different colours
Thank you, Hannah, Australia

Hi Hanna,

I am sorry to hear about your problem. What you could do is to still have a full head of highlights, back to back slices, with bleach on the roots only (6%) to lift the colour slowly.

A bleach bath should then be applied to the mid-lengths and ends until the honey and caramel tones are removed. The bleach bath will need to be one scoop bleach, one part 6% and one part shampoo. A toner will then need to be applied all over using 8/81 Colour Touch 1.9%.

Also use a good intensive treatment on your hair to maintain condition, such as Philip Kingsley's Elasticizer along with his moisture balance shampoo and conditioner.