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How can I remove blonde peroxide?

I recently lost a bet to my dad in which he made me dye my hair blonde. We used some sort of peroxide that you can buy from a store, and I'm nearly positive we did not dye the roots!
How can I now get rid of this blonde colour?
Thanks, Jake, St Louis

Hi Jake,

Thank you for getting in touch.

I think there are some lessons to be learned here and the first one would be; never, ever bet against your dad.

In regards to how to get your hair back to normal you have two choices:

  1. If you have not dyed the roots, have a short grade all over. I have recently done this and it's great for this time of year.
  2. Go to a colourist at a reputable colour salon. Here they will give you a consultation, take samples, do porosity tests, incompatibility tests, etc. Your hair will possibly need to have a pre-pigment treatment on it before the hair is coloured.

I would strongly recommend you go to a salon instead of doing a home colour. Your hair will be damaged already and the last thing you would want is an allergic reaction to the colour.

Good luck!