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I have just had my hair highlighted and you can see the previous regrowth under the hair. Can this be avoided?



I've had my hair highlighted recently for only the second time. However you can see the previous root regrowth under the hair at the hairline, so it looks like it hasn't even been touched up properly.

Can this be avoided? I'm wondering whether to go back to an overall colour instead.


Anon, UK

If you previously had an all over blonde tint and had highlights instead, then a regrowth will be noticable as it does leave some natural hair uncoloured. If you want to continue with having highlights instead of a tint then you need to have deeper blonde tones added to your hair to even everything out. Not your natural colour but darker blonde tones help to balance the overall look. Highlights are a partial technique and are always done best when applied by a confident colour specialist, so an in depth consultation is always essential to achieve a great result.

John Clark at Brooks+Brooks, London 

Make sure you ask the hairdresser to pick out the same highlights as before, then you won't get that line.

Lucy Holbrook, Colour Director at Daniel Galvin, London