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I want to go from an Ombre to a dark brown/black colour

I recently got my hair coloured to achieve the Ombre look with pink ends. The hairdresser did not achieve the pink during my first visit so I had to return two days later as he toned it and made it pink.
The pink showed up but it is still a little brassy at the back. I want to dye my hair back to a more natural colour, possibly dark brown or black. I don't know if it is safe to do so and would really appreciate your advice. Even if I could just dye my ends brown and still have the Ombre look that would be fine.
I just would like to know what I have to be careful with.
Thank you!
Anon, Canada

If you want to return your ends to their natural colour then I would use a deposit only demi permanent colour in a shade that closely matches the top part of your hair. If the hair is brassy then you won't need to add any warm pigment into it to fill it, and you can go straight in with your chosen shade. If the hair is whitish then you might need to pre-colour it with a warm coppery shade before you put your brown colour over the top.