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How long will it take me to get from dark purple to blonde?

About a month ago I dyed my hair dark purple, well I have been doing it for a year or so. I've had a hairdresser recently take some of my hair because I want to go bleach blonde. She said she did the strand test but it burnt my hair, she did it with a lower percentage and she said it was very dry.
How long will it take for me to get the blondest blonde I can be? And also the first time the hairdresser dyes my hair what colour will it go - She said a dark blonde?
Thank you,
Chantal, UK

If you have been colouring your hair dark purple for a while then the hair maybe stained quite deeply. Staining happens when dark or intense colours are applied over and over until the cuticle becomes very heavily saturated with artificial dye. Bleach should remove it but I think you will get a very warm strawberry pinkish type blonde the first time you attempt to lighten it.

If the hair is going to be dry and damaged do you really think it is worth it? I would ease off colouring it for a while and let the colour fade and let some of your natural colour come through. Have some decent hair cuts to get rid of the existing colour. This should make it easier to go blonde in the future.