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I want to stay blonde, is a tint less harsh on my hair?

I’ve recently gone from red to blonde having it bleach washed then foils through with a L’Oreal 7 and 7.3 mix, which looked lovely but colour faded rather quick, so had a nice blonde on 2nd visit with hairdresser. I had roots, so she put bleach foils through with an ash blonde tint on the remaining roots, so she could get closer to the roots as it was a 6vol, the colour was not even close to the rest of my blonde so I left an unhappy customer.
I have my root colour a dark blonde/brown tint followed by bleach, so a complete mix! What would you suggest as I want to stay blonde and like the idea of tints being less harsh? My hair lifts very easily, would you be able to recommend what I can do next please?
Thank you,
Anon, UK

It sounds like you have had a lot of different colours on your hair so the most important thing is to maintain the condition! Poor conditioned hair whatever the colour never looks good, so keep it healthy with a good care regime.

I always think that blonde hair looks the best when it is multi tonal, this is generally a highlighted blonde with lighter pieces and also some depth added in for texture.

Go have a consultation with a colourist who has never seen you before and see what they say. They should look at your colouring (eyes, skin, natural hair) and ask you what you like and don't like, how much you are prepared to maintain it and other things. That way you should get the best blonde you can.